Yadea Becomes BMX Freestyle Park Contests Naming Partner at FISE Xperience Series 2022

Yadea Becomes BMX Freestyle Park Contests Naming Partner at FISE Xperience Series 2022

Source: GlobalEV

Editor: GlobalEV


2022-04-19 16:21:00

Yadea, the world's leading electric two-wheeler brand, has come to France as the naming partner of the Festival International de Sports Extremes (FISE) Xperience Series BMX Freestyle Park competitions in Thonon-Les-Bains (August 13-15) and Le Havre (August 26-28), where it gets to witness the urban sports contenders from across the globe showing off their best tricks to wow the world.

Through the partnership with this event, Yadea aims to become another source of inspiration by bringing its latest innovations in the e-bike space that embody the fearless and adventurous spirit of youth culture. The visitors of FISE Xperience Thonon-les-Bains flocked to Yadea's booth to experience the power and speed of the C1S pro, C1S, G5, and C-Umi models that are equipped with technologies designed to unlock the new possibilities for e-mobility.
通过与此次活动的合作,雅迪旨在通过在电动自行车领域带来最新的创新,成为另一个灵感来源,这些创新体现了青年文化的无畏和冒险精神。FISE Xperience 在托农莱班的参观者蜂拥至雅迪的展位,体验C1S pro、C1S、G5和C-Umi车型的动力和速度,这些车型配备了旨在解锁电子出行新可能性的技术。

"We are proud to be a partner of FISE Xperience Series 2022 whose elements are also part of Yadea's DNA ------the pioneering spirit, the perseverance to reach beyond limits, and the strong willpower that conquers challenges ahead. We are glad to take this opportunity to connect with our young audiences and reinforce those values which drive Yadea to fulfill its vision for the future of sustainable mobility," said Aska Zeng, General Manager of Yadea.
雅迪总经理Aska Zeng表示:“我们很自豪能成为2022年FISE Xperience系列赛的合作伙伴,这些元素也是雅迪 DNA的一部分——开拓精神、超越极限的毅力和战胜未来挑战的坚强意志力。我们很高兴借此机会与年轻观众建立联系,并强化这些价值观,推动雅迪实现其对可持续出行未来的愿景。”。

Over the past year, Yadea's name has appeared in many global sporting events, including the XLETIX Challenge Berlin held last year, as a leading e-mobility solution provider whose brand image is synonymous with speed and passion. Through partnerships with the European major sporting competitions, Yadea has established itself as an innovative and localized company. Looking ahead, Yadea will continue to advance with its international branding strategy, catering to the green lifestyles in Europe and empowering the local consumers to open up a new form of urban commuting.