Ninebot intelligent electric vehicle C80 has been officially released overseas, embarking on the path of "going global"!

Ninebot intelligent electric vehicle C80 has been officially released overseas, embarking on the path of "going global"!

Source: GlobalEV

Editor: GlobalEV


2021-01-20 10:49:00

On January 18th local time in the United States, the Segway eMped C80 (overseas version), a truly intelligent electric vehicle launched by Ninebot , officially went on sale in the North American market. This move marks the official entry of the two-wheeled electric vehicle product line of Ninebot into the global market, once again opening up the imaginative space for future electric vehicle performance growth.
美国当地时间1月18日,九号公司推出的真智能电动车Segway eMoped C80(海外版)正式在北美市场开售。此举标志着九号公司两轮电动车产品线正式迈向全球市场,再一次打开未来电动车业绩增长的想象空间。

As a single person travel tool, the two-wheeled electric vehicles have obvious advantages in economy and convenience. The COVID-19 has also promoted the concentration of the market pattern of electric two-wheeled vehicles in China, and enhanced the ability of relevant enterprises to go global. The epidemic has led to a change in the mindset of American residents, and bicycle travel has become a new trend. The future growth space of the two-wheeled market in North America is vast. According to NPD Group's data analysis, bicycle sales in the United States increased significantly in March 2020, with electric bicycle sales growing by 85% year-on-year.
作为单人出行工具,两轮电动车的经济性和便利性优势明显,新冠疫情也促使中国电动两轮车市场格局集中,增强了相关企业出海实力。疫情导致美国居民观念转变,自行车出行成为新的时尚,未来北美市场两轮车市场增长空间广阔。根据NPD Group的数据分析,2020年3月美国自行车销量大幅增长,其中电动自行车销量同比增长85%。

The two-wheeled electric vehicles made in China are not rough. On the contrary, the Segway eMped C80 combines performance, quality, and aesthetics, with a strong sense of intelligence and futurism. We believe that the highly innovative and intelligent Ninebot electric vehicle can bring a greener, faster, and simpler travel experience to overseas consumers.
中国制造的两轮电动车并不是粗糙的,相反,Segway eMoped C80的性能、品质与颜值兼具,智能化和未来感十足,相信高度创新智能的九号电动车能给海外消费者带来更加绿色、快捷、简单的出行体验。

In addition, going abroad is an away combat for Chinese companies, which requires them to learn and adapt to local game rules. However, Ninebot does not have such concerns. The company has three major business regions worldwide: Asia Pacific, EMEA, and the Americas, with subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Seoul, Bedford, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Munich. With a comprehensive global sales network, it can ensure the smooth expansion of Ninebot Electric in overseas markets.

The globalization layout of Ninebot was actually launched in 2015. Their first step towards going abroad began in 2015, when Ninebot fully acquired Segway, the pioneer of balance bikes, which greatly increased brand awareness and successfully expanded overseas sales channels.

In the past 9 years, the products of Ninebot have become increasingly rich, the technological accumulation has become deeper, and the market has spread all over the world. In addition, market changes have brought new opportunities. From this perspective, it can be expected that Ninebot 's performance will further improve!