Eurobike 2022 has come to a successful conclusion, and Bafang showcases the “Chinese power” to the world

Eurobike 2022 has come to a successful conclusion, and Bafang showcases the “Chinese power” to the world

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2022-07-18 10:38:00

On July 17, 2022, the 5-day Eurobike 2022 came to a successful conclusion. This year's European exhibition has been revitalized, with over 1500 exhibitors, an exhibition area of over 140000 square meters, and nearly 60000 visitors, twice the size of the previous edition.
2022 年 7 月 17 日,为期 5 天的 2022 年欧洲自行车展(Eurobike 2022)圆满落幕。今年的欧洲展焕然一新,参展商多达 1500 多家,展出面积超过 14 万平方米,参观人数近 6 万人,规模是上届的两倍之大。

As one of the world's leading manufacturers of e-bike drive systems, Bafang received widespread attention at the exhibition, M820, M510, M410, heavy-duty eCargo drive solution, IOT and other products fully demonstrate the innovative research and development achievements of Bafang, allowing the world to see the "Chinese power" from Bafang.
作为全球领先的电助力自行车驱动系统制造商之一,八方在展会上备受各界关注,M820、M510、M410、重型 eCargo 驱动方案、IOT 等产品充分展现了八方的创新研发成果,让世界看到了来自八方的“中国力量”。

E-bikes have become the main force of this year's European exhibition, and "simplicity, elegance, texture, and diversity" are still the keywords of this year's products. In addition, there are many market trends such as "increasing demand for freight vehicles, two-level research and development of battery solutions, and lightweight development of products". Industry insiders and outsiders have also focused more on key topics such as IOT Internet of Things, eCargo, sustainable economy, shared bicycles, infrastructure construction, Gravel Bike, etc.
电助力自行车已成为本届欧洲展的主力军,“简洁、大方、质感、多样化”仍然是今年产品的关键词,除此之外还出现了“货运车需求增长、电池方案的两级化研发、产品轻量化发展”等诸多市场趋势,行业内外人员也将更多的目光投注到了 IOT 万物互联、eCargo、可持续经济、共享自行车、基础设施建设、Gravel Bike 等焦点话题。

Bafang keeps up with market trends, and their latest research and development achievements fully reflect "mobility" and "intelligence", delivering a satisfactory answer to the market and users. For example, the new generation of mid-mounted motor M820 has defined a new height in the industry with lighter and stronger performance data; The versatile M410 allows riders to easily conquer various road conditions; M620 perfectly fills the technical "puzzle" of electric heavy-duty freight bikes; The smart application IOT provides a more digital product experience.
八方紧跟市场新动态,最新的研发成果充分体现了“移动性”与“智慧性”,向市场和用户交出了一份满意的答卷。例如,新一代中置电机 M820 以更轻更强的性能数据定义了行业新高度;领域全能的 M410 让骑手轻松征服各种路况;M620 完美补缺了电助力重型货运自行车的技术“拼图”;智慧应用IOT 提供了更加数字化的产品体验。

On the path of promoting the continuous development of the "future mode of travel ----bike travel", Bafang will not forget its original intention of "product is king, technology is core", continue to inject new momentum into the global drive system market through product research and innovation, and fully demonstrate the charm of "Chinese smart manufacture".