From Indonesia to the world!Luyuan showcases multiple liquid cooled electric vehicles at the Indonesia exhibition

From Indonesia to the world!Luyuan showcases multiple liquid cooled electric vehicles at the Indonesia exhibition

Source: GlobalEV

Editor: GlobalEV


2024-04-30 10:28:00

The mature domestic electric vehicle market is becoming increasingly saturated, and going abroad has become the best choice for China's electric vehicle industry. At the same time, with the global consensus on low-carbon economy, the electrification of transportation has become an inevitable trend. Taking Southeast Asia as an example, as one of the world's largest two-wheeled motorcycle markets, statistics show that the motorcycle ownership in 11 Southeast Asian countries is nearly 250 million, with the Indonesian market alone having over 60 million motorcycles. The implementation of the "oil to electricity" plan has made the entire Southeast Asian region urgently in need of a new electric transportation solution. Analysis shows that the annual sales in Southeast Asia are expected to exceed 40 million vehicles in the future, equivalent to another Chinese market. The huge market demand undoubtedly provides a huge opportunity for the Chinese electric vehicle industry, which is seeking to expand overseas. This is also the underlying reason why electric vehicle brands have been enthusiastic about participating in foreign electric vehicle exhibitions in recent years.

From April 30 to May 4, 2024, Asia Bike Jakarta (referred to as the Indonesia Exhibition) officially opened. As a core enterprise in the electric vehicle industry and an excellent representative of the national industry, Luyuan has once again been invited to participate in the exhibition and make a brilliant appearance with key technological achievements and liquid cooled electric vehicle series products. The diversified product display and vivid interpretation of core technology demonstrate the ultimate product performance of Luyuan liquid cooled electric vehicle, which has been riding for 10 years, and has also gained high recognition from exhibitors.

Meeting the needs of differentiated markets and creating electric travel solutions for Indonesian users
满足差异化市场需求 打造印尼用户电动出行解决方案

In order to accelerate the process of "oil to electricity", the Indonesian government has been subsidizing the sales of electric vehicles since March 2023. Each electric vehicle can receive a subsidy of 7 million Indonesian rupiah (about 2800 RMB) for a period of two years. The huge policy dividend has also made Indonesia one of the preferred markets for Chinese electric vehicle brands to go abroad.

However, the electric vehicles sold in Indonesia are still mainly low-priced electric bikes, making it difficult to meet the needs of local users in terms of speed, endurance, and quality. Only by achieving the same level of performance as gasoline powered motorcycles can the entire market be truly opened up, which also gives high-quality electric vehicles represented by Luyuan liquid cooled electric vehicles a huge market space.

As the first brand in China's electric vehicle industry to go global, Luyuan has already made a comprehensive layout for the demand in the Southeast Asian market. At the Indonesian exhibition in May last year, the full range of liquid cooled electric vehicles represented by the S70 and core technologies represented by liquid cooling technology from Luyuan attracted strong interest from many exhibitors and local residents. Moreover, multiple electric motorcycles from Luyuan have gained high recognition from local users, such as MTB-R, MKK2, etc.

At this Indonesia exhibition, Luyuan not only fully showcased its key technological capabilities, but also focused on several heavyweight products such as S90, S70, MYC, etc. It is reported that on the day of the exhibition, Luyuan reached cooperation intentions with multiple local merchants, which will also accelerate the rapid popularization of Luyuan liquid cooled electric vehicles in the Indonesian market.

Opening up the International Market with Hard-core Products and Pressing the Key to Accelerating Industrial Globalization with Liquid Cooling Technology
以硬核产品打开国际市场 液冷科技按下产业全球化加速键

Luyuan has rich practical experience in exploring international markets. Since its debut at the Canton Fair in 1998, Luyuan has expanded its territory and achieved good results in multiple markets such as Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand, becoming a pioneer in China's electric vehicle industry going global. It is worth mentioning that in order to accelerate the implementation of the global strategy, Luyuan Super Factory in Guangxi with an annual production capacity of over 2 million units was officially put into operation in 2021. In 2023, Luyuan launched an important plan for marketing and factory construction in Thailand.

Moreover, at international electric vehicle exhibitions, in addition to the Indonesia exhibition, Luyuan has also made multiple appearances at internationally renowned exhibitions such as Germany and Italy, further enhancing its strong influence in the international market. Today's Luyuan has already achieved market coverage in over 80 countries and regions worldwide.

Unlike the price and marketing wars in the domestic market, due to the inadequate sales channels and after-sales outlets, key technologies and excellent products are the passport for the industry to go global. As the most representative advanced technology in China's electric vehicle industry, Luyuan Liquid Cooling Technology has solved the industry problem of "high-temperature demagnetization of motors", extending the service life of electric vehicles from the original 3-5 years to 10 years, and realizing the technological innovation of the electric vehicle industry from consumables to durable goods. At the same time, Luyuan is also the pioneer of the three-year warranty for graphene lead-acid batteries in the industry. As Ni Jie, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Luyuan Group Holdings Co., Ltd., said, "Made in China can not only occupy the market with affordable and high-quality products, but also go global with excellent technology and quality." This shows that Luyuan key technology matrix with liquid cooling technology as its core has become its strong confidence in entering the international market.

At this Indonesia exhibition, the popularity of Luyuan booth also confirmed that Luyuan liquid cooled electric vehicle is becoming an urgent electric travel solution in Indonesia. With the hot sales of multiple liquid cooled electric vehicles in Indonesia, Luyuan is opening the door to the Southeast market, and its globalization strategy will also embark on a new journey.