Aisabike Jakarta 2024

Aisabike Jakarta 2024

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2024-04-02 10:48:00


JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia

The Jakarta Two Wheeler Exhibition is one of the largest two wheeler exhibitions in Indonesia, held annually in the capital city of Jakarta. The exhibition brings together bicycle and motorcycle manufacturers, traders, purchasers, and professionals from around the world, showcasing the latest bicycle and motorcycle equipment, technology, and solutions.
印尼雅加达两轮车展览会Asiabike Jakarta是印尼最大的两轮车展览之一,每年在印尼首都雅加达举行。该展览会汇聚了全球范围内的自行车、摩托车制造商、贸易商、采购商和专业人士,展示最新的自行车、摩托车设备、技术和解决方案。

The exhibition content of Asiabike Jakarta includes multiple fields such as bicycles, motorcycles, electric vehicles, accessories, safety equipment, etc. Exhibitors can showcase their latest products and solutions, collaborate and communicate with other enterprises, and understand the latest market trends and industry development directions.
Asiabike Jakarta 的展览内容包括自行车、摩托车、电动车、配件、安全设备等多个领域。参展商可以展示他们的最新产品和解决方案,与其他企业进行合作和交流,了解最新的市场趋势和行业发展方向。