2024 China International Bicycle Fair - CHINA CYCLE

2024 China International Bicycle Fair - CHINA CYCLE

Source: Internet

Editor: GlobalEV


2024-04-22 10:09:00

Date: May 5-5.8, 2024

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center, 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

China International Bicycle Fair (CHINA CYCLE) showcases the cutting-edge technology and product quality of the bicycle industry, showcasing the infinite possibilities that bicycles bring to cities, people's health, and entertainment. It also showcases the new trends of high-end, branded, and internationalized development of bicycles, and showcases the new achievements of intelligent, lithium-ion, lightweight, and fashionable electric bicycles and motorcycles.
中国国际自行车展览会(CHINA CYCLE)集中展现自行车行业最前沿的科技水平与产品质量,展现自行车为城市、为百姓健康和娱乐生活带来的无限可能。展现当下自行车发展高端化、品牌化、国际化的新趋势,展现电动自行车、摩托车智能化、锂电化、轻量化、时尚化的新成果。

China International Bicycle Fair (CHINA CYCLE)has become an international bicycle exhibition that many industry professionals around the world must visit. In addition to the bicycle hall, there are also separate areas for electric bicycles and motorcycles, children's strollers, and outdoor cycling supplies. It is also an important venue for high-end European and American brands to enter the Chinese market and for foreign professional audiences to seek Chinese partners. Every year, new overseas exhibitors and international brands make appearances.
中国国际自行车展览会(CHINA CYCLE)已经成为全球许多业界人士必须光顾的国际性自行车车展。除了自行车馆外,还单独设立了电动自行车及摩托车专区,童车专区,户外骑行用品专区。也是欧美高端品牌进入中国市场和国外专业观众寻求中国合作方的重要场所,每年都有一些新的海外展商和新的国际品牌亮相。